Translations - Interpretations - Transcriptions - Voice-Over
18 Brooklyn Heights Dr. Kelvin Grove, Palmerston North, New Zealand | | +64 6 5602232 | +64 22 0962125

Translations - Interpretations - Transcriptions - Voice-Over

Our Team

Nura Majzoub Sapir
Translations & Interpretations Coordinator

Vida Sapir
Transcriptions & Voice-Over

Anissa Majzoub Sapir
Trados Specialist, Managing Partner & Marketing

A bit about our history...
My dear grandfather, Mr. Enayatollah Sapir, a successful businessman, and a polyglot, was born in Iran in 1907, he spoke 7 languages: Farsi (Persian), English, Spanish, Esperanto, French, Arabic and Hebrew. His passion for languages has been passed down some generations, including to my mother and myself, who now speak 4 languages and have some basic knowledge of other languages. Our passion for languages, diversity and cultures led us to create a translation and interpretation business (Traducción Global) in 2010 in my home country of Mexico, which has continued to operate since that time. I then married my beloved Kiwi husband, and moved to Aotearoa, where I decided to open a local branch in this wonderful Country, which I am now proud to call home.

The picture above is of my grandfather, Mr. Enayatollah Sapir, a successful businessman and a polyglot who spoke 7 languages.
Global Translations Today
Vida Sapir (my mother) and I, created the translation business in 2010. My sister, Anissa, has since joined the team. We translate to all major World languages and have a large team of certified and experienced language translators and interpreters. We have translated thousands of documents to date, and provided many hours of interpretation services both in person and online. Our clients range from large companies, such as Sony and Toyota, to individuals who may only need to translate their Driver's Licence. No matter how large or small the translation or interpretation may be, our mission is to leave our clients fully satisfied with our service.

Nura Majzoub Sapir
Translations & Interpretations Coordinator
About Nura Majzoub Sapir
I was born and raised in Mexico, but both of my parents are Iranian. I have lived in Brazil, Mexico, Canada, Israel and New Zealand, and have travelled to 12 countries around the World. I speak English, Spanish, Farsi and Portuguese, and have some basic knowledge of other languages. I am married to a half-Iranian / half-Filipino man who grew up in New Zealand, which means that my children are 3/4 Persian and 1/4 Filipino! So... when someone asks me: "Where are you from?" I scratch my head wondering what to answer 😶. I am very passionate about languages, cultures and religions. As mentioned above in the "About" section (this page), my grandfather spoke 7 languages, including Esperanto; his passion for languages has been passed down some generations, including to myself.
As a follower of the Bahá'í religion, I have always been very interested in its teachings of "Unity in Diversity". From 2003 - 2005, I had the honour of serving at the Bahá'í World Center in Haifa, Israel, were I had the privilege of living and working with people from all over the World. During my spare time there, I regularly interpreted for religious conferences and other holy place visits to Spanish speaking pilgrims. I decided to formally pursue translation and interpretation in 2010 in Mexico, where I became a certified translator for three government institutions: The Supreme Court of Justice of the State of Jalisco, The City Council of Guadalajara, and Judicial Council of Jalisco. During that time, my mother, Vida Sapir, and I created Traducción Global (which continues to operate to this day). I moved to Aotearoa in 2011 (currently living in Palmerston North), were I have extended our services to this beautiful Country, which I have since called home.